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The Perception of Posture.
I have spent YEARS lecturing, teaching and essentially begging clients and friends to "stand up straight". I was going to do it again ...

Put Your Ego Aside!
With Acceptance Comes A BIG Reality Check 1. Accept that you are forever a work in progress (WIP). 2. Accept that you may or may not have...

Workout Wednesday: HIIT
I went out with my honey last night (🍷) and didn't run this am. Didn't feel like it. You see, I prefer to run in the dark. I'm now...

Monday Mantra- Perception
#perception #changeyourview #changewhatyousee #changethewayyouthink

Remembering To Say Thank You
To all of our loves, including our world: thank you and I love you. ❤️🌎 It's a turbulent time to say the least...making it tough at...

Wednesday Workout
Gonna share my workout with you today! I kinda felt like it would motivate me as well as remind me that I need "me" time too! #me #metime...

Monday Mantra (yes, I know it's Tuesday)
So, I was a little distracted with yesterday's topic. Let's pretend it's Monday (but still one day closer to Thanksgiving!)....

Give Thanks
Of all that I've tried to teach my children, few things matter more to me than gratitude. "You need to say thank you," I often told them,...

Eat, drink and be happy! Stop and smell the roses! Choose any of those old happy sayings and go do something fun! Our brains and...

Tell your friends, family and friends that you love them. Why? Why not, I ask?! Life is just too dang short not to. We are pack animals...
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