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Thursday Tip: Teeth
As we've heard the Tuesday tip of making Tumeric tea can make your teeth TEMPORARILY yellow, other things like coffee (yummm) and wine...

Wednesday Workout: Pond Style
I woke tired. I hate that. My main man snored down a forest and I woke tired (which implies that I slept). And so today went....made...

Tuesday Tip: Turmeric Tea
Well, sorta. It's a milk/tea and it cures what ails ya... READ THIS! It'll blow your mind. Turmeric is a root similar to ginger that has...

Monday Mantra: Bye Bye Bad Habits
#diebadhabitsdie #byebye

Friyay...I'm struggling.
I don't mean to sound like a downer but there are days that I'm just not motivated. I'm tired of working out, eating healthy, thinking of...

New Year. New Diet?
Oh lordy, please no. Not one more time. Diets do not work. Ever. What's a person to do? After all, if your body shape n size is genetics...
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