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Well, it’s Wednesday! Hump Day. Midweek. My blah day. But it isn’t! I’ve had a great run, good times w my babes, and had a really nice...

#TuesdayTips: Bye Bye Stress
I'm often asked how to alleviate stress...uh, have you met me? I don't believe I really exude calm. However, others do. Something may...

MondayMantra: Do Your Best
Stress was like that ugly sweater that I used to wear around. Until I started asking myself: Am I doing my best? I wore my fugly...

#Friyay 👊🍷💪
CHEERS! I love Friday like a child loves her bday (oh wait! I love that too!)! My kids are chill, my honey and I take a date night and I...

#friends #workoutpartner #workoutlove #running #love

#WorkoutWednesday: Gathering My Peeps
I had a revelation recently! I realized that anyone or no one can be my workout peeps. Whhhhaaaattheheck?? When I do my "pond" workouts...

#TuesdayTip: Making Workouts Work
Hey y'all..diets, fads, and quick fixes won't work and never will work. Ever. How the heck can I be sooooo sure about that? Well...I've...

#MindfulMonday: Don't Dial It In
#dontdialitin #mindfulmonday #exerciseforever #forever #mantra #repeatdaily

Thoughtful Thursday: Still Give Love (on other days than Vday)
...while I'm not super religious, this feels good. Love Means Giving John 3:16 KJV 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave . . . You...

Tuesday Tip: Give Love
Over the weekend, I was hanging with one of my loves after she'd had surgery. I know, give, give. ;) To be honest, I love this woman....
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