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Tuesday Tips: What Are THE Most Important NATURAL Home Remedies

Hola peoples! Happy Tuesday Tip Day! These items are CHEAP, NATURAL and can be bought off Amazon or @ your local market. Seriously not sure why we wouldn't all keep a stash. Oh wait! I do!

1 UNFILTERED Apple Cider Vinegar: is loaded with raw enzymes and beneficial bacteria which promote healthy digestion, blood-glucose levels, hormones, and a number of other bodily functions. Apple cider vinegar can also be used to boost hair health, relieve sinus pressure and even acts as an effective insect repellent.

2. Witch Hazel: witch hazel has many more uses than simply to clarify skin and shrink pores. Use witch hazel to fade bruises, stop bleeding, neutralize bug bites, and much more...

3. Coconut Oil: Of all of the ‘super foods’ on the market, coconut oil may just be the reigning champion of them all. Boasting a seemingly endless list of health benefits, organic virgin coconut oil has at least one positive effect on every system in the human body. From skin care, hair care and weight loss to hormone balance and mental acuity, this is one ingredient you definitely need in your home!

4. Epsom Salt: Epsom salt may be used for everything from washing hair and relaxing cramped muscles to scrubbing dishes and deterring slugs from your garden...ewwww....but, yes. It does all that.

5. Baking Soda: is one natural remedy with a long list of health benefits and uses. It can be taken internally by mixing with water, applied topically, and used orally as a mouth rinse. Use baking soda to promote digestive health, reduce acidity in the body, kill parasites, prevent gout, and much, much more! Yo LA! IT WHITENS SMILES! Just gotta be consistent. Like exercise. Daily.

6. Himalayan Pink Salt: Because of the conditions by which it was formed, this purest of sea salts is one of the best sources of natural minerals on the planet. From lowering blood pressure to clearing sinuses, this is one salt you’ll be happy to put on your food! Now, this one screams to the fried-food-lovin-unicorn in me....

7. Lavendar Oil: Its health benefits range from pain relief and mental clarity to use as an anti-bacterial cleanser and a natural deodorant. Lavender oil may also be used as the “hero ingredient”in a number of DIY health, home and beauty products – such as a cooling spray, hair spray, sleep balm and so much more!

8. Tea Tree Oil: I loathe the smell. LOATHE! has a surprising number of topical uses to cure or prevent a whole host of everyday maladies – including acne, nail fungus, insect bites and more. Plus it can be used in a number of cleaning recipes due to its powerful antimicrobial abilities. Just smells like dooky. It's worth it.

9. Aloe Vera: Widely recognized for its ability to soothe pain and inflammation caused by burns – specifically those from sunburn – Aloe Vera is a highly underrated herbal remedy with many other awesome applications! Use Aloe Vera for better skin and hair, to detoxify your body, or as a digestive aid.


10. Castille Soap: it's both gentle on skin and bio-degradable. It is a “true soap” and not simply a chemical detergent. This wonderful product is incredibly versatile and can be used as the main ingredient in everything from all-natural dish detergent to Eco-friendly dog shampoo.



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