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#TuesdayTip: Making Workouts Work

Hey y'all..diets, fads, and quick fixes won't work and never will work. Ever.

How the heck can I be sooooo sure about that? Well...I've seen mannnny diets come and go. They don't work because they are SHORT TERM. Your life is NOT short term. And well, ya know...not to sound sassy: your mental, emotional, nutritional & physical wellness is forfreakineverrrrr. Jus sayin. The two really do need to correlate.

One could argue that "diet" and "program" are essentially the same. And they are. Essentially. That said, how you make sense of the word makes a MASSIVE difference to your understanding for your objective. on my peoples!

A program is set for you to learn about you; eating, sleeping, working out etc. All about YOU.

A diet is set for the general masses and rarely ever does anyone get a diet set for just little ol him/her. Thus, learns NOTHING relevant for him/herself.

A program can be for your emotional, mental, nutritional, and/or physical fitness AND wellness.

A diet is only for nutritional guidance- if it even gives a crap about nutrition (boy! I can show you some that are downright horrifying for your system!).

A program will potentially take care of your whole system.

A diet's ONLY goal is to lose weight.

A program's goal is to affect overall greater change.

I could go on. If you want to chat more about this please reach out! I've been in this fitness world over 25 years and have seen many repeats of what we're seeing now. This makes me an expert in being the eternal student! Ha!

You know how to find me:

FB: @karenschwalbejones

FB: @ksjpilatesevolved

IG: pilates.evolved

...I think that's it...



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