#TuesdayTips: Every. Damn. Day.
I've been working out without fail...for over (wait for it) 30 years. Whoa.
That means:
1. I'm over 35 ;)
2. I should have THE most bangin body (not bad I'd say for almost 50)
3. I've needed to keep it interesting...like any other relationship eh? I'm creative. I imagine myself doing and being. #imagination #creativity
I make it a priority just like I do: my family, my framily, my eating and anything else that I need to live! Something EVERY. DAMN. DAY.
Lifting weights OR eating well OR cardio isn't acceptable.
You MUST do it all.
Your human-ness needs your heart tasked, your muscles challenged and you to eat n drink proper fuel (mine also happens to includes wine and taquila). :)
Every Day: Cardio. 40-45 min (or more if I'm running and have time!): run, Cybex Hiker, Bike, Row, Hike, Whatever... I am capable of doing anything bc I do everything. #BAM!
Every Day: stretch (see prev blog on my bizarre stretch habits. #nofilter
Every Day: Play! Jump, climb, contests w my kids who's faster (me, duh!), etc. Use your imagination! Just be a "kid"! The reason they "can" is bc they "do"!
Every OTHER Day-ish...sometimes more: Combo of Pilates, TRX, Core Flytes, Bands, Balls and Weights. I use my imagination for this too: I think of ways to change things up.