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#TuesdayTip: Gift a Compliment

I have ZERO problem w/getting older and my bday is my version of New Years Eve! ...Strange as that is bc I am scared to death of dying. We’ll save that for another time, post, therapy sesh. ;) While I’m not angry or upset about my age, there is def a negativity that swirls around women’s age in general. Maybe it’s the fear of death, but I really think it’s as simple as our appearance. Add to that, a society turns us into a “special population”. For reals! I had a client who was a producer at a movie studio, tell me she’d been reclassified: a “special pop” and she was 45! . Last night, I saw an #emmys headline for a group of gorgeous women: “STILL fabulous over 50!” They were truly awe inspiring! However, they looked bangin for 20,30,50. Yes, yes, I know they had a team of peeps but! The package was/is amazing anyway. 👊♥️#faboverfifty#simplyfab Here’s a #lifetip for EVERYONE: When gifting a compliment, simply compliment with a solid compliment and stop. Period. No qualifier or quantifier. There’s enough insecurity-inducing stuff in the media without adding in the “still” or “for your age”.

🔻😆🔻😂 Here are a few of my favorites: “did you do something different to yourself? Bc you look great!”, or “you STILL got it!” or “you look good for your age” 😳.

My ultimate fav is “you’re doing great for 50!”. My reply: “I’m actually doing great for 25!” #bam #jussayin 📣 SO! To ALL of us gorgeous, beautiful, strong women of any age: let’s represent our best selves! Let’s support each other for exactly the badass-superhero-unicorns that we are! #prettyis #ageisjustanumber👊❤️🦄 . YOUR HOMEWORK TODAY: gift compliments without anything attached. Oh! And to a stranger and yes, maybe choose an “older” woman. See what happens. THAT! is amazing. #giftingcompliments #whenthemagichappens . . . #tuesdaytip #oneminutewellness #onelove #angelabassett #thedress #thesass #gift #giftcompliments #feelssogood



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